Who we are

The Territory
Boform S.r.l. was born in the beautiful Jato Valley, near Palermo, between the towns of San Giuseppe Jato and San Cipirello.
And it is in this corner of Sicily, characterized by a perfect microclimate, that the company produces high quality cheeses, ricotta and yoghurt, thus representing one of the most dynamic Sicilian dairy companies with a short supply chain.

The Company
Born from the experience of two young entrepreneurs, Diego and Filippo Bonura, who have been able to nurture, grow and put into good use what the Sicilian territory, rich in history and passion, can offer: raw materials of the highest quality.
In 2003, thanks to an intense and passionate work, a large extension and renovation project was undertaken which led to the construction of the new Dairy Factory in c.da Piraino in San Cipirello, where the VALLE DEI MULINI brand line of products is produced.

Even if we have reached very high production levels, our processing method is absolutely traditional, linked to the ancient recipes of Sicilian pastoralism which have been handed down by dairy masters for generations.
A fascinating production culture, which we daily strive to make known to the new gen-erations through the aromas and flavors of our products.

To guarantee the consumer genuine high quality products, we undertake daily checks in all stages of production: from the selection of the farms to the evaluation of the milk, which must comply with precise chemical-physical and organoleptic characteristics, from compliance with production standards of hygiene and safety, dictated by the HACCP standards, to the traceability of the batches in the distribution phase.

Quality and Consistency
These have always been the characteristics that distinguish our company. A constant work, the result of the continuous search for solutions that put the flavor of tradition in the first place.
We pay particular attention to the control and quality system through daily analyzes of the milk, in compliance with the regulations for the protection of consumer health.

Attention to the consumer
All this passionate work would be useless without the positive feedback from our consumers. For this reason we pay great attention to their requests and suggestions that we consider fundamental in the continuous process of improvement and company growth.

Environmental Sustainability
The concept of sustainability is now increasingly felt by dairy companies. This translates into a reduction of the environmental impact during the production phases and more attention to the consumption of natural resources. We at Boform strongly believe in these principles and we put them into practice every day to do our best in respecting and safeguarding the environment.